The language of Romanticism – of the nineteenth century – resounds in his two string quartets
Ter Horst's music is remarkably melodic and accessible, without being obvious … This debut leaves you wanting more!
Intriguing. visual. Sometimes soft, then heavy. Lots of colors and contrasts.
Edwin Rutten (Klassieke Zaken)
Brahms and Beethoven [are] very prominent in style, design and overall atmosphere, but there is a clear Ter Horst accent. The composer can suddenly give the sweetest melody a different twist with a well-placed dissonance or a surprisingly poignant chord
De Nieuwe Muze
What he brings forth in his first two string quartets is an abundance of ideas, strong emotions, and forceful communication … Enthusiastically recommended all around
Positive Feedback
Highly personal, but fortunately reasonably accessible music thanks to the melodic language

Interview NRC
Joost Galema wrote a portrait in Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad after the release of Introspect. “What happened to me – imposing a certain path on yourself – I see in many of my contemporaries.
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Interview NativeDSD
Floor van der Holst interviewed me for the release of Introspect. I tell her about the collaboration with the Helikon Quartet and Cobra Records, and about how it all started.
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